
Boston Autoport Aerial web

Thank you for your interest in joining the Boston Propeller Club. Your membership will benefit your business and strengthens the entire maritime community through your participation. Upcoming events include:

      • USCG Dinner
      • Maritime Day
      • Annual Golf Outing
      • Fall Social

In addition, members receive these additional benefits:

          • Social events and monthly membership meetings on industry issues
          • Active participation in program planning through committee involvement
          • Networking opportunities with high profile individuals in the maritime industry
          • Access to national and international chapters of the Propeller Club
          • Timely release of important and vital information through broadcast emails
          • Advocacy on issues affecting the maritime industry on local, state and national level
          • Pertinent up-to date information on the industry here on our website
          • Reduced rate for Propeller Club events and for various events sponsored by other trade associations
          • Liaison with government agencies
          • Opportunity to present a unified voice on critical issues affecting your business interests

For your convenience, we offer two methods to join the club.

    1. Find a downloadable application (in MS Word format), click here. Please print the form, complete and mail with a check payable to “Boston Propeller Club” for $60.00 to:
      Propeller Club of the U.S., Port of Boston, Inc.
      c/o Matt Patnaude

      Boston Propeller Club
      25 Dorchester Avenue, #51676
      Boston, MA 02205


    1. Click Here to fill out an online form.

For existing members, you can now pay your annual dues online via PayPal!